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The ‘2021: Health and Wellness will be different’ Download Finale

As we bring 2020 to a close, Hosts Steve Sowerby and Dave McCaughan, have joined forces to download on this years ‘2021: Health and Wellness will be different’ webinar series, where we have been joined by incredible industry experts; Dr. Randall Shannon, Taichi Inui and Araksya Topchyan, Aki Kubo, Stuart Lloyd, Jeremy Perrott, Chris [...]

The ‘2021: Health and Wellness will be different’ Download Finale2021-07-28T17:09:23+01:00

‘The Only Way to Get Things Done is in Teams : Practical Collaboration’ with Allisyn James

THE FIRST WEBINAR IN OUR 2021 SERIES '2022 AND BEYOND'!! As professionals working in healthcare, none of us are strangers to the power of collaboration, to achieve more than we could individually, and its power to overcome barriers and drive meaningful results for our businesses. Now is the time to grasp collaboration and identify [...]

‘The Only Way to Get Things Done is in Teams : Practical Collaboration’ with Allisyn James2021-07-28T17:01:26+01:00

Mental Wellness: A New Global Report with Ophelia Yeung, Dave McCaughan and Steve Sowerby

Living under COVID-related risks, restrictions, and uncertainties, our collective mental health has taken a beating. Mental wellness is gaining a lot of attention, as stress, depression, anxiety, sadness, and loneliness are no longer taboo subjects. But what is mental wellness? Is it the same as mental health, or the lack of mental illness? What [...]

Mental Wellness: A New Global Report with Ophelia Yeung, Dave McCaughan and Steve Sowerby2021-07-28T17:05:09+01:00

Healthy Ageing: Why the over 50’s do need to supplement! with Dr Max Gowland

In our research, the over 50s told us that they simply want to stay active, stay independent, stay mobile and carry on enjoying life as they age. This means looking after first and foremost your musculo-skeletal health. We also know from Public Health England data that this age group are simply not getting enough [...]

Healthy Ageing: Why the over 50’s do need to supplement! with Dr Max Gowland2021-07-28T16:57:21+01:00

Caregiving; Hidden Opportunities for Brands and for Workforces with Debbie Howard

Long before COVID, there was another global healthcare crisis brewing: “family caregiving” - a job in which unpaid and primarily untrained family members take on the responsibility of caring for their aging loved ones, often at the risk of their own health and wellness. In the US alone, there are 53 million family caregivers [...]

Caregiving; Hidden Opportunities for Brands and for Workforces with Debbie Howard2021-07-28T16:46:08+01:00

Mental Health and Wellbeing from The Human Perspective with Melissa Gale

We all need to look within ourselves, within our families, and our organizations. The way we manage our lives is overall dysfunctional causing significant stress, ongoing stress, and eventually ill health/burnout. Search out the stats and you’ll see Health/ mental ill-health is hugely affecting the way we operate and our ability to fully function [...]

Mental Health and Wellbeing from The Human Perspective with Melissa Gale2021-07-28T12:39:57+01:00

New Horizons for Probiotics and Bacteria-Based Biotherapeutical Products with Ines Martinez

The past 15 years were revolutionary for the microbiology field. Technological advances allowed microbial ecosystems to be characterized to unprecedented depth, including the human body. What started as descriptive research and mere associations between bacterial populations and health and disease states progressed into causal research focused on our microbial partners' role in our health. [...]

New Horizons for Probiotics and Bacteria-Based Biotherapeutical Products with Ines Martinez2021-07-28T12:14:52+01:00

I’m not biased…. you are!

As Kenneth Graham said in Wind in the Willows – “It takes all sorts to make a world” and I have to say, it certainly does. Following my previous blog “It’s what you do.. Not where you do it...”, I have been contacted by several people, who have asked for more information on behavioural [...]

I’m not biased…. you are!2021-06-29T12:11:11+01:00

2021: Health and Wellness will be different

Deep dive into the foresight of health and wellness, explore how the consumer journey will look in 2021 and discover how we can WIN WIN WIN in this fast-moving era, especially after the covid-crisis.

2021: Health and Wellness will be different2020-10-07T21:26:49+01:00