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Trevor on Top – Chapter 7 ‘ Sales vs. Marketing’

Marketing departments need to work with many stakeholders. As an Associate Director at the Institute of Collaborative Working (ICW), much of my time is spent helping different organisations work together to deliver on joint goals, but they often complain/mention the ‘Internal Terrorists’ within the organisation, who derail projects. Whether it [...]

Trevor on Top – Chapter 7 ‘ Sales vs. Marketing’2024-06-12T10:26:44+01:00

Trevor on Top – Chapter 4 ‘Habits vs Routines’ …and repeat, and repeat.

How’s the new year’s resolution going?  80% of resolutions will have been abandoned by early February. But why? Many of the resolutions people set are health-related, and there is a lot from the behavioral sciences we can learn to help us to achieve what we want. One of the main reasons resolutions fail, is [...]

Trevor on Top – Chapter 4 ‘Habits vs Routines’ …and repeat, and repeat.2023-02-10T10:46:30+00:00

Interview with Steve Sowerby & Ed Rowland

Take a look at this interview as Steve & Ed discuss the launch of CHC Training Institute, the regional spin-off of our CHC Training Academy for North America, on 20 June in New Jersey:

Interview with Steve Sowerby & Ed Rowland2018-07-03T07:57:44+01:00