‘Driving Greater and Faster Innovation with Regulatory Affairs’

There is a stereotype that regulatory professionals are ‘sales suppressors and policemen’ due to their responsibility ‘to protect the public health through compliance with FDA requirements while working with commercial colleagues to meet business objectives’ writes Ilyssa Levins in this article.


Although this is their role, Ilyssa Levins wants to eliminate this preconception that they are ‘suppressors’ through her articles. She is introducing new ideas for Regulatory professionals to become a part of the innovation engine that will give brands a competitive edge through a unified culture between all roles.

Regulatory professions ‘can and do think outside of the proverbial box to support their business colleagues and achieve critical company objectives that help increase the top and bottom line’.

It has been difficult too for these professionals to toe the line between innovation and not wanting to take a risk and so Ilyssa has laid out five pieces of advice (Read Ilyssa Levins article for more).

It is time for the ‘Regulatory hat’ to come off and to be a regulatory individual, rather then staying in the stereotypical box. Regulatory officials should be integrated into the team so there is an invested interest in the success of ideas. This has a dual role as where there are restrictions, they can provide explanations and help to address the concerns as part of a working party rather than as separate divisions or agencies.

With an ‘enhanced ability to think creatively and strategically’, Regulatory professionals will be able to navigate the risk, while also helping the team to think ‘broader, bigger and more creatively’.



Want to become part of the Innovation Team?

We are bringing Regulatory Professionals and Marketers together for the ‘Empower to Innovate’ workshop.

The OTC Training Academy will be in Singapore on October 25th, where we will be looking at Merging Marketing and Regulatory Affairs to deliver better innovations through opportunities in latest technologies and creating skills for sustainable growth.

To join us, please contact mary.montero@nicholashall.com